Thursday, 3 June 2010


I sat in the old hide at Ruan Pool this morning, watching the same 1st summer Hobby that we saw earlier in the week. At first it was hunting from a perch on a dead branch, making short dashes to the ground to pick up prey. When the temperature reached the point where the dragonflies started flying, things got very exciting. It would come dashing towards me, then shoot back and forth across the pool, making sudden twists upwards to catch its prey. After a few minutes it would return for a short rest before doing it all over again. It made at least a dozen forays in the hour that I was there and it was extremely efficient, catching around 25-30 dragonflies in that time. There were moments when it flashed past only feet away and at one point it nearly came straight through the hide window! These are among my best shots.


  1. Top effort Andy. As you say, very difficult to capture.

  2. Excellant effort Andy. Glad you get as much enjoyment on your reserve as i do mine.

  3. They're fantastic Andy you should be well pleased.
    I still really like the one in the previous post though.
