Thursday, 27 May 2010

Some more potential firsts for the farm (ahem....)

As suggested by a fellow blogger and on the pretext that all these could conceivably turn up at the farm (though in some cases surely not in these plumages) and as I've nowhere else to display them (and anyway it's my blog so I'll post what I like!), here are some more of my recent photos from northern Illinois. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.


  1. The Tree Swallow is STUNNING. When is the next slide show?

  2. Thanks Steve, those males sure are stunning birds and they are very approachable too. I'm sure they are overlooked over here in the autumn when they're not in this plumage. I don't think I have enough for another show yet but I'm working on it!

  3. Great stuff - obviously these are all on my garden list.

  4. These deserve a Swift response....
